Throughout the past few days, I have been following horror stories. Not in the spirit of Halloween, but in the spirit of the upcoming election.
There are some sick people in this world, and for some reason the majority of them seem to be Obama supporting Democrats.
- Five McCain Campaign Workers are Assaulted with Mace
- Obama Supporters Firebomb a House for displaying a McCain Palin sign
- Gunshots fired at McCain/Palin bus in New Mexico
- Blatant Vandalism of McCain Supporter's Property (With Plenty of Pictures)
- Left plans to "shut down Washington" if McCain wins
"If your television declares John McCain the president elect on the evening of November 4th, your television will be lying. You should immediately pick up your pre-packed bags and head straight to the White House in Washington, DC, which we will surround and shut down until this attempt at a third illegitimate presidency is reversed. We may be there for days or weeks or months. But we must be there. We must be there by the millions. We must show each other, and the nation, and the world that we have had enough, that we will not stand for one more stolen election, that we will not give in to fear, lies, theft, and intimidation." -- David Swanson, Washington director of and a board member of Progressive Democrats of America" - David Swanson, Director of and a board member of Progressive Democrats of America - Florida Man's Home Shot up because he Displayed McCain/Palin signs out front
- Lets pretend to shoot Sarah Palin
- "Ok…so what if next Tuesday, November 4th, we find that our hero Obama, hasn’t won? Well, given the fact that alot of niggas are gonna be at election parties (myself included), the plan is to get super throwed. The thought behind that is this…if he wins, i’ll be drunk on happiness, and if he loses, the loss won’t hurt so bad if i’m drunk. Part B of the plan is to convince a young lady to come back to the crib and watch CNN…one thing leads to another, and the next thing you know…its sunrise, I kicked ole girl out the crib, and I got a flag in my left hand…one can only hope, lol. So now, I wake up November 5th…to a whole new world, controlled by John McCombover, and i’m pissed. I go outside, and it’s like the A-Bomb hit…niggas are runnin all over the place rioting, and white people have barricaded their homes…if the crackers don’t wanna play fair, we’ll show that ass, lol.
Now i’m not callin for rioting by any means…but a nigga will participate. Its this leather jacket that i’ve been lookin at for the longest, so either way, imma get mine, lol. Niggas will riot if Obama wins or loses, so ya’ll need to be close to ya’ll favorite stores, in order to take advantage of the situation. Stuff like this only happens so often…niggas! I was still in the eighth grade when the OJ trial went down,and Akron ain’t really the place to be when it comes to rioting, because we got like two hip hop stores, and they right down the street from one another…plus they close to the donut spot…so its not really a good idea to try to put in that work. The Rodney King incident, I was young, and that was limited to the LA area…Watts, I was still an afterthought in my daddy’s nutsack at that point, so that doesn’t count either. But if Obama loses…thats a nationwide dilemma, so be prepared! Get ya duffle bags, ski masks, wave caps, all black timbs, and black locs ready, because you can clean up. White people…I don’t know what to say to ya’ll…but don’t go to work on November 5th if you work at the following establishments, which tend to employ or serve alot of negroes…Church’s, Popeye’s, KFC, McDonald’s, Walmart, Your Local Hip-Hop Store, Any Corner Store or Walgreen’s. White people, STAY AWAY from these establishments." - Promanant Black Democrat Blog
- "Will black people riot? I should hope so, I plan to. If he doesn’t win I will be in San Francisco rioting for the first time in my life and I’ll be in DC shortly thereafter. I will riot, and strike, and protest and fight until the wrong has been undone." - Promanant Democrat Blog
And who could forget the group that attacked Palin's Motorcade
We are not dealing with everyday normal Americans anymore, and we haven't been for a long time. We are dealing with fanatics. Sure there are some on both sides, but the few and far in between outbursts from the right (which have generally been benign statements, without any action) can't hold a candle to what the left has been doing.
The part that scares me the most is the tacit approval coming from the Obama Camp. The only thing he has said related to the matter was his "get in their faces" statement. One can only question whether or not this is what he meant. But the fact that he has not publicly denounced any of this is a very scary thing.
See Also: Sarah Palin is a ...
Also - please forgive the language used when quoting one of the Democrat Blogs.