Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Obama's Experience

"He has only been a Senator for 18 months. But with all the recesses, four day weekends, campaigning and absences, Obama has only spent about 6 weeks of workdays on the Senate floor as one of the most junior Senators. Most of his votes, about 80% when he was not absent, have been "present" or "abstain". He also chairs a committee that has never met because the chairman has never called a meeting. As a trial lawyer he only tried 14 cases in court - and minor ones at that. As a "community organizer" his major cause was getting the asbestos out of a housing project. After 2 years of trying the asbestos was still there when he left and is still there even now that he is a Senator and presumably has some pull to get things done.

That's it. His entire real world work resume. 6 weeks work in the Senate with nothing to show for it. Two years as a lawyer and only 14 minor trials. And two years as a "community organizer" with nothing accomplished."

Let's see what we have on McCain:

He was elected to the House of Representatives in 1982, and then the Senate in '86, several decades prior to Obama. McCain also has several years of not only military service, but military leadership under his belt, to which he was awarded the Silver Star, Bronze Star, Legion of Merit, Purple Heart, and the Distinguished Flying Cross. Obama has not served his country overseas, and most certainly did not lose several years of his life away from his family and country while doing so.

Based solely on experience and merit - How can anyone still support Obama?

Shall we look to the voting record then?

Here is a sample - Source

Voting Record - Missed Votes
These representatives have the highest percentage of missed votes. (View All Representatives)
Missed Votes Representative
50% (231) Del. Eni Faleomavaega [D-AS] since Feb 8, 2007
33% (153) Res.Com. Luis Fortuño [R-PR] since Feb 8, 2007
26% (120) Del. Madeleine Bordallo [D-GU] since Feb 8, 2007
25% (82) Rep. Jackie Speier [D-CA] since Apr 10, 2008
23% (287) Sen. Barack Obama [D-IL] since Jan 6, 2005
22% (960) Rep. Jo Ann Davis [R-VA] since Jan 3, 2001
19% (1584) Rep. Barbara Cubin [R-WY] since Jan 4, 1995
18% (427) Rep. Bobby Jindal [R-LA] since Jan 4, 2005
18% (719) Sen. John McCain [R-AZ] since Feb 4, 1993
14% (1000) Rep. Julia Carson [D-IN] since Jan 21, 1997
14% (585) Sen. John Kerry [D-MA] since Feb 4, 1993
13% (1252) Rep. Donald Young [R-AK] since Jan 5, 1993
13% (1250) Rep. Bobby Rush [D-IL] since Jan 5, 1993
12% (54) Del. Donna Christensen [D-VI] since Feb 8, 2007

23% (287) Sen. Barack Obama [D-IL] since Jan 6, 2005 Vs.
18% (719) Sen. John McCain [R-AZ] since Feb 4, 1993

18% over the past 15 years compared to 23% over the past 3. Who seems to be actually doing their job?

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