Monday, June 23, 2008

Obama voted NOT to fix the Levees in Iowa

Politico - Attacking on Iowa

“Barack Obama opposed and voted against the bipartisan effort by John McCain, Russ Feingold and Claire McCaskill to assure that lifesaving levees like those that so tragically failed in Iowa and Missouri are given the highest priority and fixed first. It is beyond the pale that Barack Obama would attack John McCain for actually trying to fix the problem and change the way Washington works. Barack Obama’s willingness to continue the status quo pork-barrel politics in Washington, and then engage in political attacks that entirely disregard the facts, once again fundamentally shows that he’s nothing more than a typical politician.”

An example of partisan politics at its best (worst). In a sheer effort to disagree with McCain just because he is McCain - Senator Barack Obama has voted against a Bipartisan effort put forth by McCain (R), Feingold (D), and McCaskill (D) to help repair lifesaving levees in light of the recent tragedy that has struck the Midwest. In a Florida speech yesterday - Obama disregarded the action taken by McCain, expressed his sympathies to the families of the victims, and then proceeded to call McCain out on some economic issues, and then bash the current administration as being "the most fiscally irresponsible administration in modern times". That's great Obama - too bad you aren't running against Bush, so how about you stop criticizing this administration and start going into some detail of how exactly you are "going to do things differently", because the American people have heard that all before - and unless you can actually provide some solid evidence to backup these promises you truly are "nothing more than a typical politician".

McCain is actually taking action with the crisis at hand - yet all of the left can't get away from the "He's a Bush Clone" propaganda, and that is an insult to other forms of semi-reputable propaganda everywhere. You clamored and whined when Bush "didn't do anything" after Katrina. You labeled him a racist, you claimed he didn't care about brown people. And now that McCain is actually doing something about another disaster that has struck the nation, you still can't come past the whole "Bush Clone, 4 more years of the same thing" stigma. Since your savior Obama has done so much to help this situation, I can totally understand.
You would think, with the area that is hurting the most now being so close to Obama's district that he would feel inclined to take action; not only as a politician looking for votes, but as a human being who is almost hit at home with this tragedy (pork barrel legislation anyone?). Instead what does he do? He tries to vote down a course of action that is going to the floor to help the situation. way to help out your fellow countrymen there BHO.

I'm not going to go as far as to say that this is his personal revenge for Bush's "non-action" in New Orleans, but it does make one think.

You all might go back to a previous Bipartisan bill put forth by McCain and Feingold - the McCain/Feingold Campaign Finance Reform Act, something that went over quite well and is still in practice today.

To close - Obama claims he will help unite the two parties and collaborate many bipartisan efforts - clearly this is not one of them. How can he hope to unite two parties when he is having trouble uniting the Democrats alone?

Friday, June 20, 2008

Too Smart to be a Police Officer?

I'm going to be brief on this one with a flat out WHAT THE FUCK.

I could do into a long tirade about affirmative action right now, but I think my above statement sums it up. Also - Does Affirmative Action even apply to stupid people?

New Haven basically has just indirectly said "We don't want smart cops".

How Going Green has made me a Better Driver

How Going Green has made me a better driver

Or Why going green can save you some green.

I used to be the typical left lane driver. I was that asshole passing you on the highway while you were driving the speed limit, or even faster, in my little sports car listening to my music loudly with my nice sunglasses on. Hell I could even be considered a yuppie by some standards. I used to pride myself on being able to control my car effectively at high speeds, careening through curves like it was the Indy 500. But not anymore.

I never read into any of this “Go Green” propaganda. I am not a hippie, nor a Gore-supporter, or even an environmentalist in any way shape or form; I’m not going to lie to you that I lean right on almost every issue. If that stops you from reading my article so be it, but you would do well listening to what I have to say. My eyes have been opened to a “greener” way of life.

I always advocated alternate energy sources, even from back to primary and secondary school. I had done several reports, projects, and presentations on the benefits of Solar, Hydro-Electric, and Wind power. It fascinated me – how something so simple and pure as the sun, water, and wind, were never harnessed to their full potential, and are virtually infinite, whereas fossil fuels are finite.

Regardless of your political affiliation or creed, we can all agree on one thing: Everyone likes money. And after doing a little research I have compiled various ways you can alter your habits (mostly driving) to save yourself a little cash, and do something good for the environment by conserving.

The biggest, and most prominent, as well as the easiest change to make, is very simple.

    Take your foot off the accelerator.

A car engine, regardless of the number of cylinders, is most efficient in the 50-60 MPH range. Studies show that you lose upwards of 30% efficiency as you surpass that mark and hit the higher speeds. The easiest way to combat this (specifically on the highway) is just simply stay out of the fast lane. Abide by the speed limit – stay around 55 mph and you will certainly improve your mpg. I commute about 20 miles each way every day, sometimes even more when I head to school for night classes, and I was able to significantly increase my mpg in my little V4 Celica (which already does pretty well). I also noticed that those extra 10 or so MPH only decreased my commute time by a few minutes, hardly noticeable when you think about it.

Coasting is another good way to stop burning excess fuel. I am not saying to go back to the early days and gain all of your speed from traveling down hill, but it would serve you well to not use your accelerator while you travel down hill. You would be surprised as to how much you can travel without even touching the accelerator. As long as you are paying attention and make sure that you watch to stay above 25/35 mph (depending on the zone).

Inching, as opposed to gassing your way up a few car lengths when waiting at a stoplight, is a good way to save on gas, as well as take it easy on your brakes.

I would go into advanced techniques, such as riding the slip-stream behind trucks, but I wanted to keep this article as safe and as simple as possible.

Just thinking about these small things while you drive can not only increase your gas mileage and help save the environment, but also make you a better and more defensive driver. Young people should take this to heart, and for those of you who don’t fall under that category, maybe a quick refresher isn’t that bad.

A real easy, but a little more pricey way to save money on gas by increasing your MPG is obviously to purchase a more efficient and usually smaller car. However most people forget about our 2 wheeled friends - the motorcycle, or my favourite - the scooter. You can get ridiculous MPG on these little babies, but unfortunately, what they gain in that - they lack in storage capacity, top speed, and power. Some scooters aren't even highway legal - which negates traveling on longer trips with them. However if you want a little thing just for running errands or cruising around town, perhaps a scooter isn't such a bad idea. Personally - I am looking into a Honda Elite 80 or a Metropolitan. Perfect for zipping around my hometown, or even my college.

I hope that I have helped you by reading this, or if not, at least peaked your interest a little bit more.

Look here again for new upcoming articles, including ways to convert a diesel engine to take vegetable oil or bio-diesel, utilizing alternate energy sources for power, and many other ways to save some green by going green.

Sheriff Getting Heat for Doing His Job

Phoenix Sheriff Arrests Illegal Immigrants

Sounds pretty wholesome right? Evidently some people are having trouble with it. Many leftists are taking issue with the fact that this is “racial profiling” because he is going after Hispanic Mexican looking types. Yes- because we should also be looking for immigrants from Canada in Arizona. People seem to not realize that we are looking for Mexican illegal immigrants – so is it that much of a stretch that he is going after Mexicans? When a sheriff gets criticized for doing his job – it just proves how messed up the leftist citizenry is in this country.

People like that would have Sheriff Arpaio checking identification and pulling over whites and blacks as well. Hmm… that seems like a great idea, and a perfectly good way to waste countless hours, resources, and manpower.

Many are taking issue because of the fact that the constitution protects all citizens from this under the 4th Amendment and due process. They seem to totally disregard the words “all citizens” and read it as ”all citizens and people who are in this country illegally”. On a side note – I love it how we have a constitution when it so conveniently suits their views- but they fail to even read it when it conflicts with them.

People also fail to realize that it is perfectly within the sheriff or any police officer’s jurisdiction to do this. Under Terry v. Ohio 392 U.S. 1 (1968) the Supreme Court ruled in favor of what is now referred to as a “Terry Stop” or Stop and Identify Laws - which are on the books in many if not all states. You are required to be able to identify yourself to an officer at all times. This isn’t a new thing – but it is conveniently forgotten by those who oppose its practice. Also many forget the decision in Hiibel v. Sixth Judicial District Court of Nevada - in which the Supreme Court held, in a 5-4 decision, that a Nevada “stop-and-identify” law did not violate the United States Constitution.

Also - needless to say - but only those with something to hide or a reason to fear this "new" practice are the ones who should be scared and have a problem with it.

And just to close with a generic anti-immigration statement: They are living here illegally, not paying taxes, but gaining all the benefits of being a citizen without any of the hassle. I am not going to deny all the work they do, and the jobs that they take that are beneficial to the American economy, but that is outweighed by the fact that they contribute nothing fiscally back to the nation and paying their dues for all those freedoms, rights, and benefits they enjoy. It is a burden to the regular American taxpayer (specifically the middle-class), and is also a driving cause of inflation.