Monday, November 10, 2008

What Obama Means for Video Gamers

Thanks to websites such as GamePolitics, gamers are much more involved in issues that affect their rights and their ability to game than ever before.

Couple that with Sen. Obama's targeted ad campaign in Burnout Paradise, and his campaign to get the youth to vote and you would think we would be more involved than ever.

But now it is as if the hypnotist snapped his fingers, and we are all of the sudden standing on a chair with our pants down cluckling like a chicken, and start seeing the reality.

That reality is that Senator Obama may have questionable views when it comes to video games. One of his opponents during primary season was the infamous Hillary Clinton, another Democrat who has done everything in her power to block games such as GTA IV and Manhunt from ever seeing the light of day.

Gamers seem to also have forgotten that the same man also generalized them all as underachievers.

The typical gamer demographic (18-25 or so) is unfortunately prone to voter apathy, but when confronted about their rights could be one of the biggest special interest groups out there. We should be more involved, we should care more about our rights, and make sure that they are not infringed.

In response to: The NY Times

Thursday, November 6, 2008

And so it begins...

2) Russia announces it is putting missiles on EU border...

3) Democratic Senator Schumer compared conservative talk radio to porn as a justification for supporting the Fairness Doctrine...

4) The stock market that was supposed to stabilize as soon as the election was decided dropped more than it had ever dropped after an election ...

5) Palestinians (or some other Islamic group) in Gaza fired 40 rockets into Israel which led to Israel launching an airstrike into Gaza...

And so It begins.

Reposted from here

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The morning after...

I sit here, recollecting the events of last night.

A lot of heated things were said by conservatives- a lot of people, both young and old, are upset with last night's decision. It is understandable.

Here is what we are looking at.

Obama gets sworn in.
During his term he has the ability to select 2 Supreme Court Justices (who will all be to the like of Ruth Bader Ginsburg). These two new justices will easily be approved by the democratic majority congress (Though thank God they haven't hit the filibuster proof majority yet).

The Democrats will then have a majority in all 3 branches of Government. (so much for checks and balances - our forefathers would be proud of us!)

With a uniform legislative branch, and with no threat of veto from the Executive branch we are going to see liberal legislation after liberal legislation passed.

The new Supreme Court is going to start legislating from the bench- overruling many crucial cases, reaffirming Roe v. Wade, destroying everything Justices Roberts Scalia, and Thomas have accomplished. We will see an unprecedented wave of judicial activism. They will overturn the recent decision in the DC Handgun ban (District of Columbia v. Heller). They are going to undermine our police and military's abilities to do their jobs effectively and efficiently.

They are going to trample on the Constitution, piss on Old Glory and effectively destroy everything our nations founding fathers created.

I'm not going as far as to say horses will start eating each other, or the world is going to end in 2012, or any of that nonsense; but we are in for a drastic change over the next 4 years.

Obama claims to have brought unity to the country- a statement which could not be further from the truth. Read a few other entries in my blog- you will see that the nation is more divided than ever. And yet - he has the gall to quote Lincoln in his victory speech.


I hope I am wrong. I pray that I am wrong.

In 2010, during the midterm elections, America will wake up and realize what they have done, and the mistake they have made. In 2010 Republicans will take back Congress and being the healing process. I only pray that it is not too late.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

When the dust settles...

I have my passport in hand, but at the same time and as I prepare myself mentally to be an ex-patriot, I can not bring myself to leave the country that has given me everything.

Only in America- could a black socialist, who's middle name is Hussein, has known ties to terrorists, and wasn't necessarily even born in the United States (as admitted by his own grandmother) - play the naive uneducated American public, and play to the guilt of the white for something that none of them had any hand in - become president of the free world.

Only in America could a man with no military experience what-so-ever, become commander-in-chief of the largest military superpower on earth.

Wake up people - slavery ended over 150 years ago, segregation ended almost 60 years ago. The POTUS is not an affirmative action position. There is no room for on the job training.

This country is going in a different direction. When we see Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida fall to the left- we know there is a problem.

In closing, America - it isn't me. Its you.
You've changed - you are going in a direction that I fear I cannot be a part of.

To all of my like-minded friends- (mostly from Digg). It was an honor to fight beside you for the past few months. We will fight through this. We will grit out teeth. We will be dragged through this kicking and screaming- but we will come out on top. We are strong. We will prevail in the long run. Lets just hope we don't go past the point of no return.

Here's to 2012.

RIP America 1776 - 2008